Saturday, May 15, 2010

When Life Gives You Liz Lemons...

So, yesterday I'm walking down the street on my way to school and some dudes in a car sprayed me with a water gun! In the face! Luckily, I was wearing a jacket and big sunglasses so the damage was minor. They drove off while I stood there yelling and shaking my fist. Then, I continued on my way. When I related this story to my friend Eliza her reaction was "Oh my God. You are so Liz Lemon!" Now, this is hardly the first time someone has compared me to Liz/Tina Fey. However, it was the second time in a week when someone made such an observation. Luckily, I love me some Liz Lemon and not-so-secretly want to be her. (Come on. The TV writing gig, the NYC apartment, the proximity to Judah Friedlander?) Although sometimes I feel like the 30 Rock writers are following me around based on some of the things she says and does...Now, if I can only meet a dude that looks like Jon Hamm and smells like frosting. Oh, and I'm totally into hooks.

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